Product Description
The FairwayGroomer effectively doubles the working width of the GreensGroomer for Natural Turf unit in a compact, adjustable method. The wings “float” along-side the main frame with the same high-performance brush layout without gaps in the brushing area.
The Wings are connected to the main frame with durable hinges and a simple cabling system. The electric actuator raises and lowers the wings simultaneously with the wings for transport and use, with a manual adjustment for long distance travel.
Product Details
Product Features
Simple, Efficient Turf Care
The low-complexity design allows users to tackle their topdressing work with total confidence.
Larger Footprint
The use of the Extension Wings transforms the Standard Groomer into a double-width workhorse for fairway efforts.
Improved Brush Design
Brush angles produce better topdressing movment, with 4 direction in one squre foot of movement.
No Hopping, Scuffing, Bruising
The frame weigh keeps unwanted movement in check. Our Black Premium Brushes move dressing without turf damage.
Low Cost of Ownership
Simple design and high reliability reduces repair costs. High quality parts and assemblies deliver long-term functionality.
One-Pass Performance
The multi-angled brush design pushes topdressing efficiently while reducing repetitive passes.
Pre-Mow Benefits
Use before fairway mowing can raise the grain and provide for truer cuts, producing a better mow quality, and a more consistent grass surface.
Product Support
GreensGroomer works closely with its dealer network and customers, whether it's product questions, maintenance & use tips, or replacement part ordering.
Here's the basic product information and specs to answer the simple questions. Greater detail can be found in the Product Support Area of this website.
We have a number of different resources for you to access. From Operating Instructions and Parts Lists to helpful guidelines for parts replacement, equipment use, and repairs. From documents to videos, we've got what you're looking for.